Diana’s Tips on Nutrition:

Breakfast means “break the fast”. That is what breakfast is all about, but too many people/players do not eat breakfast at all or do not eat enough breakfast especially if they have a match in the morning.  If you expect your body and mind to perform at its best you must eat. Here is what Diana recommends for breakfast:

Breakfast of Champions consists of whole grain cereals, fruit and juice, or eggs, toast and fruit, or hot oatmeal, yogurt, and fruit. All of these good wholesome foods turn into muscle glycogen. Stay away from white flour, white sugar, chemicals, fats and preservatives.  They stay in your stomach too long which drives up your glucose index too high which makes you feel more fatigued after you eat high fat and high sugar food choices.

Start your day off right and eat, but remember to eat the right foods a key to your championship game
